About Me

Hi, I’m Anne! I’m a parent of a preschooler and a teenager, and I love helping other parents find simple (and super easy) solutions to their biggest parenting challenges.

If you are a single parent, work-at-home family, or homeschooling, I can help you design routines that give you more free time to do what you love. I also want to support you in developing clarity and confidence to connect with your kids and form life-long relationships.

I’m intimately experienced with the struggle of caring for a home, a family, and my own self, and wishing I had more time to contribute to my community (beyond the already amazingly valuable work of raising the next generation of world-changers).

If you are feeling buried by the stress of maintaining a livable home environment and your own health while trying to stay present and connected with your family, I am here for you! Over the years, I’ve picked up a few tricks to make it all more manageable and leave you with more energy at the end of the day.

Some things I can help with:

  • Setting up a daily rhythm to streamline your routines. Children thrive on consistency. When they know what to expect, it leads to fewer power struggles over little things. It also helps control your stress level when you know that things will get done at a certain time, so you don’t feel like everything is over your head constantly.
  • Brainstorming challenges with bedtime, clean-up, meals, getting out of the house and other transitions in space or activity without a huge hassle, teaching kids to occupy themselves so you can get your work done, and creating a plan for developmental transitions that tend toward conflict, from toilet learning with toddlers to negotiating increasing levels of independence in older children and teens.
  • Ideas for building community to bring support and balance to your life. Things like joining or starting child care co-ops, potlucks or cooking clubs, and activities to do together with friends and kids.
  • Recovering your creative dreams, social activism aspirations, or whatever else makes you feel human!

As a teacher and as a parent, I have developed strategies and foundational knowledge to build respectful, supportive relationships, and design environments that nurture independence and emotional regulation. I’d love to help you craft a life with your children that you delight in each day.


Disclaimer: Although my ideas are based on well-established philosophies, and pretty thoroughly researched, I am not a university-based scientist, medical professional, licensed counselor, or any other official title that would render my advice on this site as anything more than my personal experience. Use your best judgement when implementing advice from this website and my services.