Self-care for single parents

Photo by Boesmantjie on Pixabay

When your kids are with you 24/7, the best way to get some good self-care in is to include them! For the next month, I will be highlighting simple self-care activities that you can do WITH your kids – so you don’t have to add the cost of child care to your spa bill, or use up prime Netflix time. Okay I guess you could actually do a lot of these while watching… but it’s also super fun to introduce your little ones to the simple joys of self-care rituals. And wouldn’t you rather fold laundry while you binge anyway?

dried crushed flowers
Image by Monfocus from Pixabay

Once of my family’s favorite “self-care together” activities is foot soaks. Filling up a tub of warm water (or cool if it’s super hot outside!), adding some bath salts or essential oils, and dipping our toes is a relaxing a fun way to take care of our bodies and get a great sensory experience.

If we’re feeling extra fancy, adding some rose petals or lavender blossoms gives it a luxurious aesthetic.

Stay tuned for more summer self-care ideas I’ll be featuring over the next month!

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